Saturday, April 01, 2006

High School Crush

Some of us have been working very closely with our teachers from MCKK in certain matters. One of those teachers is a very popular English teacher, whom throughout her illustrious and dedicated teaching career (in MCKK from the very beginning) must have broken some people's hearts. One of the many hearts broken was Mpro's.

So occassionally when there is a mention of her name, discussions begin to snow-ball into reminiscence of the high school crush years in MCKK.

Typically it will be as follows:

wah.... mantee sherry dah bersuara... bila kita nak buat reunion metor mentee pulak.... aku satu mentee dgn ko ke chamat?

1 mentor dgn aku, hmm x kot. Even tho kau selalu menyibuk nak join activity kitorang (and she always gave in and invited you along, or did u invite yourself to our avitivities?). Kau bkn bermentorkan ust. latib ke?

Aku rasa mentor aku fairuz leman kut.... yang pasal invitation tu, aku rasa aku yang invite diri aku sendiri kut (ala ala desperate budak koleq)... aku guna lesan budak koop and house captain, to ensure that all house activities run smooth (salah guna kuasa betul aku ni... tu baru house captain... )

Aik lesen house captain logic laaa... lesen budak Coop? How come maaa? Aku only pakai lesen budak Coop sekali setahun je masa junior years - masa F1 datang register ha ha ha. Aku rasa the only time aku bertegur sapa dengan Izzy the top jambu was on his first day kat koleq, sebab dia beli barang Coop and banyak laa pulak tanyanya (not that I was complaining).

Lepas tu aku rasa haram aku pernah tegur sepatah seumur hidup aku kat koleq- even masa dia datang UK pun aku haram kelu tak tahu nak cakap apa. Tapi lesen budak Coop Mpro lagi besar kot, aku sampai F3 je..... so sebab tu sampai hal ehwal house pun boleh pakai lesen Coop...

Sebab tu la ghazi ali marah aku gunakan alasan nak bincang pasal coop dgn sherry.... apasal tak bincang dgn dia aje.... ahhh sudah

Kalau hati dah terpikat, Ghazi yg hensem pun tak nampak dah lagi kan Mpro. Tahniah dpt anak ala 2x sheery. Tapi ada kemusykilan skit ? Apa yg kau nampak pada Sheery tu, I think Helen Khoo lagi orait.

Chibix.... cita rasa manusia berbeza2... macam ko la kan, aku pun tak paham apasal la yang ko tergila2 sgt kat kelly 97 tu... tapi aku cuba memahami la... mungkin sebab mata sama2 sepet.... nanti champ baca ni marah pulak kat aku....

hari tu aku jumpa nobita kat subang. dia macam takut2 je bila aku panggil. nak kata dia takut aku tibai dia unlikely kot sebab aku bukan kaki tibai, so must be dia takut aku nak main jambu ngan dia kot.

after all these years! giler apa.

Tibai lain kot rough ..... aku pun takut kalau kau kaki tibai yg tuuuu ....

maybe la kot. tapi kalau dia takut logik laaa... kau nak takut apa.
aku sumpah takkan terhingin nak tibai kau nya, even though mata kau sepet macam kelly!

Hahaha, lawak la korang. Abis cerita Kelly semua keluor. Kelly ni asal usul nama si blondie Jenny Garth from series 90210 tu kan. I still think she's gorgeous.

And usually it can go on and on.

Luckily Mpro did move on in life (and in size too), but he did get too over excited at the slight mention of her name.

As for us, it's difficult to describe how you "graduate" from a student-teacher relationship to a more of "elder sister" relationship in life. I tried to imagine how she would see us, since she must have remembered us in the shorts back in 1990 and now we are nearly 30 years old.

Whatever it is, all of us take comfort that we share a similar concern and passion for one particular thing that we care a lot.

Mpro must have been kicking his head for not trying to be a debater back then.


Some of us have been helping some students from koleq to get scholarships, as competition gets tougher each year. I take comfort that they are extremely bright young kids, extremely eager to take the challenges awaiting them and most importantly, polite kids.

Before this I have lost hope that the generational gap will get wider and wider and the later generation will lose the "refined" manner that we are more used to, especially when dealing with elders.

Maybe it's not lost after all.

And as a sign of old age, we still do not understand them, nor find their jokes amusing.


  1. Ko rasa dia tau ke dulu aku dok usha dia je?

  2. dia tahu.

    sebab kau usha dia kurang sikit dari kau usha afza.

    giler obvious.

    we can see a hard on around the tetek area bila kau usha dia ha ha ha

  3. Alamak aiii... malunya aku... tapi bila aku balik koleq, dia layan aku ok je...

  4. Anonymous10:46 PM

    sherry pun syok jugak kot sebab ada budak minat kat dia...

    tapi dia tak berani nak reciprocate cinta mpro sbb mpro waktu nampak lebih nak menghala ke arah Brokeback Mountain...

  5. AKu rasa kite lebih lebih dikenali sebagai Lembah KK atau Bukit Chandan... Tgk la nanti, kalau ada duit lebih sikit, aku terbitkan filem Lembah KK... ala2 brokeback mountain

  6. Make sure "Lembah KK" is not as graphical as Brokeback Mountain, after all the majority is that of platonic relationship. Then maybe "Lembah KK" will not be as disapponting as Brokeback Mountain ha ha

    She definitely knew, she still ask about Mpro fondly once in a while. Although if you want to keep it that way Mpro, the excess baggage around the waist must go laaa...

    Husband dia fit, tak dak anything around the tummy.

  7. Tak pa lah... janji dia ingat lagi kat aku kira ok tu... the thought that count...

    Tapi excess baggage tak la teruk sangat... ok what...

  8. Anonymous11:45 AM

    ello seniors. this is not related to the post, but the link to modar class of 96, is not him. tah indon mana punya blog tah (muka modaq bukan camtu, hahaha). buat la ape yang patut.

  9. Anonymous5:52 PM

    a,ah la seniorssss...aku pun ada try itu hari, tapi dapat indon buat blog pasal pegi fishing...

  10. So setinggan overfloor ni bukan 9094 lah ni.... kantoi

  11. Anonymous5:35 PM


    ada beza ke kalau ambo nie bukan 9094?

  12. Setinggan - no hal lah kawan... stay tune with us and we will entertain u... hahaha

  13. mrpo bila syak junior je..mula la nak masuk jarum..entertain lah..apa lah..declare?
    betul ke junior ni??
    dia saja je..ntah2 senior. james demora ke, chalut ke, kashak (kash) ke...hehehehe

  14. Aku rasa kicap(93) kut... dia memang suka lepak overfloor pun...
