Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri 1430H

Dedicated to:

Those who have wandered and strayed from the batch for far too long – pulanglah as we do not get any younger and as we grow older, we require every support system we can summon;

Those who allow us to grow apart because increasingly we live a different life – pulanglah for the sake of those wonderful years of a life without judgment;

Those who are scattered around the world fulfilling the expectation that we bear to be the best – once in a while pulanglah as all of us eagerly await you for a few hours of laughter and catching up;

Those who have come across us as a batch and a group of people – we ask for forgiveness and may you tolerate our inadequacies and eccentricities as a batch; for we are one of the most dysfunctional batches ever to have come out of MCKK.

Selamat Hari Raya from Class of 94.


  1. video tu best lah abg raf


  2. ha ha sbb bukan gambar aku.

    lepas ni each year aku pi ambik collection gambar orang lain, semua muka takut je in case gambar scandalous ngn jambu keluar. habis kena marah ngn bini.

    next year - budak Ahmad - korang sediakanlah gambar ye.
