Friday, August 27, 2004

As you can see, I don't do much work today - too close to weekend.

The Gunung Bubu Expedition seems to have hit a snag, since more and more are pulling out on excuse that the timing is not right. We'll see how 'hangat' the whole thing will turn out, pity though since Wong has done quite a lot of groundwork.

Came across a website dedicated to MCKK's 100 Year Celebration created and managed by Wawa (Class of 97) and his brother (Class of 99). Good website - although I just don't understand why do we have so many websites for the same purpose. I recall we had Centenary Website before - it's so much easier to have one central website for everyone to go with the news all there.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Walau apapun yang terjadi, Gunung Bubu itu akan tetap didaki. It's just a question of time. Mark my words.

