Friday, November 06, 2009

The Different Stock

Caught up with someone.

Thought of asking him to do something out of ordinary - because in many respects he can be extra ordinary.

He felt that he does not have the passion and stomach; and in his words (roughly) "usually only MCKK boys display this kind of energy and passion".

What was so different about the five years in Kuala Kangsar, that made all the difference 20 years later?

Looking back, I think we were raised to have a sense of purpose from the very beginning, in whatever we do - even if you are the guy who bolot everyone else's ration, you want to be the best (referring to Bochap); you want to fit as many karipaps as possible in your pocket.

I wonder whether the same "sense of purpose" is still being inculcated in the boys in Kuala nowadays. It will make all the difference when they grow up; they will be made of sterner stuff.

I look back and wonder why I am always more comfortable and trusting of another MCKK guy - that's because they have a sterner heart and stomach to pursue things which other people couldn't care less; and along the way makes the difference (this is of course, a general generalisation so let's not get into the details)/

I should go to sleep if I want to make a difference tomorrow.


  1. kau dah macam MACC la ruff, target ikan-ikan kecik macam aku hahaha.
    at least tindakan aku tiada meningkatkan kos pada pentadbiran koleq..
    kau patut mention pejal dan wong,sebab diorang do something out of ordinary, they made a lot of different to koleq's phone bills haha. they have a sterner heart and stomach to pursue things HAHA

  2. Ah sudah la korang! Bukan la sebab MCKK ke apa korang tere.

    Korang memang dah tere, awal-awal lagi, sebab tu kekal tere.

    Budak MCKK pun ada gak yang hampeh,

    tapi kalau budak sekolah lain 1 dari 30 tere, MCKK, dia 1 dalam 8. Itu aje.

    MCKK bantu cuma sebab yang 1 dalam 8, tengok banyak kawan dia yang tere, jadi dia nak kekal tere.

    Ye dak!

  3. Bukan AJK keselamatan5:56 PM

    i tot noni ada buat disclaimer? MD ni adik KD ke?
    AJK KESELAMATAN sila bertindak

  4. Budak MCKK Tak Tere3:13 PM

    ak aa leyyyh - apahal MD ni.

    Dia tak baca ke kan Noni dah tulis "general generalisation" (dah la general, generalisation lak tu).

    Tak puas hati, jangan lah datang sini baca, nama pun MCKK Class .....

    ni kan blog budak2 mckk, ikut suka diorang lak nak cakap apa. Aku rasa tak pernah pulak aku perasan budak MCKK pegi blog budak sekolah lain bagi opinion memperlekehkan sekolah orang lain.

    Lagipun tu kan generalisation - kebanyakannya..... sapa cakap semua budak MCKK bagus2.

    Serupa jugak kalu aku buat generalisation:

    "banyak budak2 yg benci sngt kat mckk tak bertempat ni sebenarnya sore losers - ada yg sbb dia benci budak mckk tu boss dia, ke dia kalah masa lawan masa sekolah ke, awek yg dia minat suka budak mckk ke, dia minat budak mckk tp budak mckk tak layan ke, atau memang busuk hati dengki"

    Ni generalisation sahaja, tak bermakna MD salah seorangnya, tp ada lah yg macam ni kot.

    So serupa lah mcm yg Noni cakap. Generalisation je.

  5. budak mckk terrer4:35 PM

    aku terrer

  6. Aik, aku cakap korang tere pun x leh!
