Thursday, June 10, 2010

Yengko Wuz Ere: Demo Anti-Israel

It's been a very long time since I last took part in a big rally. The last meaningful rally was an anti-Israel march in London in autumn 2002. YB Nik Nazmi had just arrived in London for 2 months and we thought it was good if he could experience what a rally really meant in London.

So I was quite looking forward to the planned anti-Israel rally last Friday. Given the flexibility of my work (ha ha), I decided to work from home and joined the rally later.

At 10 am, the phone rang and Jita said he was in the vicinity. The next thing I know, he was at my door while I was still trying to put the t-shirt on (saja nak entice :-p)

After a sleepy khutbah on 1Malaysia (of all the things, JAKIM chose 1Malaysia when the whole world rose in unison against the Israel's illegal attacks), we started to march from Kampung Baru to Jalan Tun Razak. The whole journey to and fro would have taken 8 kilometers.

I failed to locate the ring leader (Hj Mus aka Auzir Zakri dari Jawang) until much later when Tuan Prez (Sdr Syed Khalid al-Junid) called. There were five of us altogether - 4 from Leman (myself, Khalid, Jures and Auzir) and only one from Ahmad. As always, Md Shah and Idris tidak menerima cahaya keimanan (see footnote).

Anyway, sebagai bukti Yengko Wuz Ere, Jures had learnt his lesson not to doctor a photo so he brought a print out this time around.

We adjourned to a warung at Kampung Baru before we made our way home - good walk, good time for a good cause! Takbir!

Lintas Langsung oleh Hj Mus:

1.29 PM:
"Kelihatan manusia berpusu2.

Sehingga kini 4 Yengkoz bersama2 dgn DSAI dan Ustaz Nasaruddin telah sudi hadir ke Masjid Jamek Kg Baru."

1.36 PM:
"Khutbah pasal mentaati pemerintah. x boleh pasal isu semasa sket. Haih"

1.43 PM:
"Oh. Sorang lagi Yengko diberitakan sudah sampai.

Khutbah dan disimpulkan. Baru x sampai 10 minit. Mungkin khatib pun nak ikut demo."

Gadap, 3.49 PM:
"Naper tak update dah? Kena masuk lokapkah? Mana Tuan penasihat ekonomi? Dah masuk lokap juga kah? Brapa ramai yengko hadir?"

Epit, 3.55 PM:
"Auzir tak report sebab tumbang waktu nak bangun lepas khutbah abis"

Suri, 3.57 PM:
"cuba pegi check pelangi damansara. sure membongkang..

tak pun area sogo or chow kit. usha aweks kot.."

Hj Mus, 4.24 PM:
"Maaf, x dapat buat siaran tadi. Dipercayai satelit dan perhubungan telefon telah dijamkan oleh APCO n UMNO.

Beribu2 penyokong2 pakatan rakyat dan muslimin n muslimat telah menunjuk nunjuk akan perasaan mereka. Mungkin kerana dah lama x demo besar camni.

Saya telah diberi kepercayaan utk menjaga kesalamatan tuan penasihat ekonomi. Dilaporkan saya dpt menjaga beliau dgn sempurna.

4 yengkoz dari leman dpt hadir dan satu dari ahmad. semua point leman dpt sbb kena ikut majoriti.

Sekian buat sementara waktu. Kalau nak gambar tunggu laporan dari org lain. Aku malas nak update. Aku suruh turun demo x nak. Nak mintak update je. Sekian dilaporkan. Seribu point . Hehehe"

Peta perjalanan, seperti yg ditrack oleh gadget Garmin yang Jures pakai

Hj Mus dengan bukti "Yengko Wuz Ere"

Hj Mus dengan muka manja

Jures dah serik dgn Photoshop

Kerosene disumbangkan oleh Gadap

Hji Mus lagi, jangan tergoda dgn "aset" paling berharganya

Tn Prez Global Village

Jita takut family dia kenal dia, so kena hitamkan

Hj Mus dah start cross dressing


For the record, out of the 5 BRUs who started out in Form 2, 3 were from Ahmad - Fazurin, Musyek & Apai, 1 from Leman - moi and 1 from Md Shah - Tok Guru.

But Tok Guru pun give up dengan gaya hidup berdozzer Md Shah that he left koleq completely since then. As a measure of my success as Pres BRU berjaya, 16 years later Leman has far out-shined others dalam bab-bab keagamaan, after all our Mursyidul Am Syeikhul Ezrin pun from Leman ha ha.

As for Idris house, what can I say. Mpro tidak terdaya berbahas dengan Chamat ha ha ha.

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